Dec 25, 2020

Many learners think that when an object become bigger, the mass (or weight) must also increase respectively. This video hopes to explain and show what happens to the object during heat expansion. It is the gaps between particles which have increased. There is no increase in particles during expansion via heating.
Dec 24, 2020

Here we want to introduce the "LENZ'S LAW ALUMINIUM PIPE EXHIBITION SET". This set is able to show the slow drop of a magnet is a tube which is made from electric conductor...
Dec 24, 2020

Expansion and contraction of solid experiment is to show that most solids will expand when they are heated and contract when their temperature decrease. This is similar to the ball and ring experiment.
Dec 24, 2020

This blog shows the capability of "expansion and contraction of liquid and gas experiment". You do basically conduct 3 effective experiments to demonstrate the expansion and contraction of water and gas. ..
Dec 17, 2020

During circuit breaker 2020, I was force to conduct on-line lesson with the P6 kids.
During a revision lesson on the comparison of brightness of the light bulbs. I created a simple electricity teaching aids to illustrate the various types of circuit. ..
Dec 16, 2020

In PSLE 2016, question 30 tested on extension springs with weights. In 2018, SEAB tested on the concept again but using compression springs.
In this lesson, we set up the apparatus shown in PSLE 2018 question 26 and provide the explanation...
Dec 16, 2020

Force is a very abstract concept to our primary school kids. I personally think that our Singapore children are especially weak in understand force and energy because they are lacking experiences in hands-on activities. They games the play are mainly virtual and the housework is done mainly by the demestic helpers, parents and grand parents.
I set up the experiment shown in the PSLE question and provide a simple explanation...
Dec 16, 2020

How stroking method works to magnetise a steel nail is not required in PSLE but important for O level.
In recent years, PSLE did have few questions on this concept (with guidance). Since the concept is not too difficult to explain and understand, i would like to use Simple Dipole Model to briefly explain the concept...
Dec 15, 2020

PSLE 2014 Question 44 is difficult to visualise how it works.
Many students who did not have a prior experience with this toy could not understand the question.
We sourced for a similar toy to illustrate how it works.
Hope this video will help the teachers to explain to the P6 kids...
Dec 12, 2020

It is difficult to get a factory to provide magnet which is not magnetised. These unmagnetised magnet may have weak residual magnetic force or they may not be sensitive towards a weak magnet.
To solve this problem, i used a stronger magnet mounted with wheels as a tester. This tester will be placed near the poles of each metal bar to verify which is the magnet and which is the magnetic material...