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Springs supported platform
Mar 01, 2022
Springs supported platform

Springs supported platform is fabricated to present PSLE 2016 Qns 44 clearly to the students.

Make a spring balance
May 05, 2021
Make a spring balance

It may be interesting to let the P6 students make their own spring balance after conducting the Hooke's law experiment. By doing so, the students can apply their knowledge of a extension spring into something useful.

temperature and heat flow activity
May 03, 2021
temperature and heat flow activity

Temperature and heat flow activity aims to help P4 students to understand that a few concepts about heat and temperature.

DIY friction exploration set
May 03, 2021
DIY friction exploration set

DIY friction exploration set investigates how the surface texture, wheels and weight affect the friction acting on an object.

use pull back car to convert potential energy to kinetic energy
Feb 13, 2021
use pull back car to convert potential energy to kinetic energy

A simple experiment to show the conversion of the potential energy of the spring to the kinetic energy of the car.

Mass does not change during expansion or contraction
Dec 25, 2020
Mass does not change during expansion or contraction
Many learners think that when an object become bigger, the mass (or weight) must also increase respectively. This video hopes to explain and show what happens to the object during heat expansion. It is the gaps between particles which have increased. There is no increase in particles during expansion via heating. ..
expansion and contraction of solid experiment
Dec 24, 2020
expansion and contraction of solid experiment
Expansion and contraction of solid experiment is to show that most solids will expand when they are heated and contract when their temperature decrease. This is similar to the ball and ring experiment.  ..
expansion and contraction of water and air experiments
Dec 24, 2020
expansion and contraction of water and air experiments
This blog shows the capability of "expansion and contraction of liquid and gas experiment". You do basically conduct 3 effective experiments to demonstrate the expansion and contraction of water and gas. ..
Which bulb is brighter?
Dec 17, 2020
Which bulb is brighter?
During circuit breaker 2020, I was force to conduct on-line lesson with the P6 kids. During a revision lesson on the comparison of brightness of the light bulbs. I created a simple electricity teaching aids to illustrate the various types of circuit. ..
PSLE question_force_2018_Q26
Dec 16, 2020
PSLE question_force_2018_Q26
In PSLE 2016, question 30 tested on extension springs with weights. In 2018, SEAB tested on the concept again but using compression springs. In this lesson, we set up the apparatus shown in PSLE 2018 question 26 and provide the explanation...